Stephan and I had planned a weekend on Mandø. Last year was really good with Pallid Harrier, Red-throated Pipit and Barred Warbler so expectations were high. Friday morning we tried with some visual migration but failed in finding anything good. Good numbers of Meadow Pipits (>10.000 during the day), Barn Swallows and a still some Yellow Wagtails and Tree Pipits. A good selection of raptors with White-tailed Eagle 2, Honey Buzzard 3, Hobby, Merlin 3, Sparrowhawk 14. Good numbers of Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff and Redstart were present but we failed miserably in our quest to find a rarity. The best bird was probably a late Icterine Warbler causing some headache as it was only seen at some distance and in the beginning only in short sequences. Other nice birds included Spotted Flycatcher 6, Pied Flycatcher 4 and Hawfinch 2.
19/9 Icterine Warbler. Bird seen at a distance of 30 meters and moving all the time. Why wasnt it another Hippo.. |
19/9 Icterine Warbler. Thank God for digital photography! Only short views in the beginning. |
20/9 Wheatear in typical Mandø scenery. Photo SSL |
We decided to drop the visual migration on saturday morning and just focus on checking gardens. Still good numbers of birds around with some new arrivals as well. Stephan found a nice Wryneck west of town before lunch but the best bird of the day was a 1. year Red-breasted Flycatcher in the "greenish warbler"- Garden just east of the church. It was quite elusive but in the end most birders on the island got some kind of views. Before we left the island we both got a new island tick as we twitched 13 Egyptian Geese found by THH.
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