mandag den 4. februar 2013

Idre Fjäll 2013

Idre Fjäll in Dalarna, Sweden is an ideal place to combine a week of skiing with a little birding. Scandinavian specialities like Siberian Jay+Tit can both be seen. Black Grouse, Willow Grouse, Ptarmigan, Hazel Grouse, Golden Eagle, Ural Owl have all been seen on previous trips as well. This year we had a good mix of the above-mentioned species. Siberian Jays performed really well and could almost be hand-fed just next to the slopes on the eastern side of the mountain. Black Grouse was seen near the cross country tracks just north of the skiing area. A few short trips in the surrounding area gave Golden Eagle and Ptarmigan on Nipfjället and Arctic Redpoll inside Idre Town at a feeding station. The feeding station at Brunvallen had Siberian Tit during the cold weather prior to our visit. I did not see any during three short visits there though (best bird was a Dipper in the almost frozen stream). The species can be very tricky to find and I have only seen it twice in ten visits (I have only missed Siberian Jay once…). Half day trips would be the option if the Tit is the main target this would also include good chances for Grey-headed Woodpecker.

1/2 Idre Fjäll. Confiding birds when being fed.
1/2 Idre Fjäll. A nice bird indeed!
1/2 Idre Fjäll. I had brought bread from the cabin and the sib jays would come in for just a few seconds before either eating the bread in a nearby tree or flying away into the forest
1/2 Idre Fjäll. Looking out for more bread.
1/2 Idre Fjäll.
1/2 Idre Fjäll. 
31/1 Söderbyn, Idre Fjäll. Nuthatch ssp. europaea were quite common this year.
30/1 Idre Town. Coue's Arctic Redpoll with Common Redpolls.
31/1 Söderbyn, Idre Fjäll. Good numbers of Common Redpolls present this year.
29/1 Brunvallen. Common Redpoll
29/1 Brunvallen. Borealis Willow Tit - up to 20 birds at a time at the feeders.
29/1 Brunvallen. Greater Spotted Woodpecker.
29/1 Brunvallen.
29/1 Black Grouse, Idre Fjäll

1 kommentar:

RSN sagde ...

The frosty appearance of the scapulars, mantle, nape and ear coverts on this redpoll ( combined with a rather small beak and clean white undertail coverts with no dark streaks leaves me with little doubt that this is actually an Arctic Redpoll.

Best wishes, Rune Sø Neergaard (former Århusbirder)