Otamendi is situated just a short drive northwest of Buenos Aires. It is nice area with some good birds present. Unfortunately the area was almost
completely dry during our visit and they had just cut the eringium plants (favored by the
Long-billed Reed-hunter) in an attempt to eradicate the non-indigenous plants
in the reserve. We
did add close singing Tawny-crowned Pygmy-tyrant, Dark-billed Cuckoo,
Brown-and-yellow Marshbird, Bare-faced Ibis, Snail Kite and a Diademed Tanager
before entering the forest. In the forest we had a good selection of new birds
with Orange-crowned Warbler, White-rimmed Warbler (responding very well to
playback), Mottled-cheeked Tyrannulet, Chicli Spinetail, Freckled-breasted
Thornbird, White-winged Becard, Long-winged Harriers, female Blue-billed
Black-tyrant (even new for Gunnar), lots of White-tipped doves and Maguari
Stork. In the open area we got Striped Cuckoo, Grassland Yellow-finch and back
at the visitor center we had a brief Narrow-billed Woodcreeper.
19/11 Diademed Tanager, Otamendi. On the southern limit of the range of this species. |
19/11 Freckle-breasted Thornbird, Otamendi. We had some troubles actually seeing this bird but we got decent views in the end |
19/11 Narrow-billed Woodcreeper. Seen in the car park of the reserve. |
19/11 Mottled-cheeked Tyrannulet, Otamendi. |
19/11 Warbling Doradito, Otamendi. Seen on a few occasions on the trip |
19/11 White-rimmed Warbler, Otamendi. A pair responded to a short playback. |
19/11 Tawny-crowned Pygmy Tyrant. |
19/11 White-winged Becard, Otamendi. Only seen at Otamendi. |
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