lørdag den 5. januar 2013

Greenlandic Gyr Falcon

Greenlandic Gyr Falcons are probably my favorite birds of prey (at least of the ones I've seen). They live in really remote places and stay there for most of the year being quite rare outside their breeding areas. I've seen on them on both coasts of Greenland and on Baffin Island in Canada. Birds are often seen inside settlements outside the breeding season. Last year (2012) a pair with their young favored a rocky area just north of Thule Airbase and it was possible to get within a few meters of the birds (unfortunately the birds left a few days before my arrival). The bird depicted below was sitting on some wires outside the airport in Clyde River on Baffin Island. A trip to high arctic does not provide many species but surely some of the best!

Clyde River, Canada - August 2009
Clyde River, Canada - August 2009
Clyde River, Canada - August 2009
Clyde River, Canada - August 2009

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