Last full day of birding. After some long days we decided to relax a bit and do the birding hot spots around Reykjavik.We started the day at Seltjarnarnes, a small peninsular in the western part of town, it is a very popular place among the locals as it easily within reach.
We fed the gulls and were rewarded with a first winter Little Gull and two adult Ring-billed Gulls, all regular birds at the spot. A quick check of the Teals revealed a male Green-winged Teal (found a couple a days earlier). Unfortunately we could not find the adult White-rumped Sandpiper.
2/10 Little Gull at Bakkatjörn/Seltjarnarnes. My fourth Little Gull in Iceland |
2/10 Ring-billed Gull at Bakkatjörn/Seltjarnarnes. Two adult birds seen. I've previously seen a bird at the same place (August 2009). |
2/10 Green-winged Teal at Bakkatjörn/Seltjarnarnes. Bird seen in top middle of the picture. |
Afterwards we went to the very famous hot dog stand near the new Opera House for lunch. We discussed our options and decided to go to a cemetery which has good numbers of breeding Blackbirds, yes Blackbirds. The population of Blackbirds have now reached 500 pairs in Reykjavik and there is even a couple of pairs in Akureyri also. The cemetery turned out to be filled with birds, mainly Redwings but we also located good numbers of Blackbirds (around 30), Goldcrests and Red Crossbill. Crossbill and Blackbird were both new on my icelandic list... A Robin heard ticking a few times was not tickable, even though we were both sure about the identification. It is simply just too rare...
After the excitement of the cemetery we took a stroll in town and decided to go for a pub crawl in the evening. Our guide was to be one of the most downloaded apps in Iceland "Appy Hour". Yes, its an app that lets you know which pubs/bars have cheap beers at different times.
A call about the relocation of the White-rumped Sandpiper at Seltjarnarnes made us do a small detour to see the bird. We got very good views of the bird.